The promotion to chief petty officer requires 36 months as E-7, in addition to exceptional performance evaluations, peer recommendations, greater indoctrination of leaders and a common examination at all levels. Your promotion is approved by a special promotion board. On average, it will take 15 years for a sailor to reach the rank of chief petty officer. Boss and 21 years to obtain the rank of Master Chief.
The chief petty officer adjusts the propulsion mechanism of a torpedo while it was loaded onto a submarine in New London (Connecticut), around July 1943. A 1958 amendment to the Professional Compensation Act added two new wage levels, senior boss (E) and master boss (E), and created six new classification titles. Chiefs and Master Chiefs in active service at any given time represent approximately 10% of the total number of enlisted. The chief petty officer could be an interim (temporary) appointment, designated as AA, or a permanent appointment, designated as a PA. Most importantly, chiefs bridge the gap between officers and enlisted personnel, acting as supervisors and advocates for their sailors.
The average sailor is promoted to chief petty officer at around 13.5 years old, after having spent approximately five years as an E-6, according to Navy progress data.