What is the Role of a Chief of Staff and Where do They Rank?

The Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) is typically the highest-ranking active-duty officer in the United States Department of State, unless the President or Vice President of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are officers of the Army. A chief of staff is a position that supports executives in their duties. They take on smaller responsibilities and handle other day-to-day issues while attending meetings on behalf of the executive leader to take notes and direct strategic planning processes across the organization. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, which is composed of the President, Vice-President, Chief of the Army General Staff, Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Commander of the Marine Corps, Chief of the Office of the National Guard and Chief of Space Operations, originated in World War II when U. S.

military leaders recognized the need for a general command to coordinate the efforts of the various services. In 1942, a unified high-command structure was adopted and maintained informally throughout the war. The Joint Chiefs of Staff was formally established as a consultative body under the National Security Act 1947, and a 1953 amendment to that Act prohibited the agency from exercising command authority. The National Security Act also confers on the President of the Joint Chiefs of Staff some of the functions and responsibilities previously assigned to the corporate body of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Department of Defense Reorganization Act 1986 created the position of Vice President of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who performs such functions as may be prescribed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. White House chief of staff directs staff in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and advises the president on policy issues.

The Chief of Staff has no operational command authority over Army forces themselves (that is, within the scope of combatant commanders under Secretary of Defense), but does exercise oversight over army units and organizations as designated by Secretary of Army. Deputy heads usually act on behalf of their bosses in most matters related to day-to-day operation. However, a former CEO who now advises boards argues that many chief executives need a chief of staff (CO), someone who goes beyond role as executive assistant to help keep office running smoothly. In carrying out his duties, Chairman Joint Chiefs consults with other members and commanders combatants and seeks their advice as he deems appropriate. There is also subsidiary body known as Deputy Deputies Operations (DepopsDEPS), composed Deputy Director Joint Staff and two-star flag or general officer appointed by each Head Service.

Senior management Department Army consists two civilians Secretary Army (head department subordinate Secretary Defense) and Assistant Secretary Army, two military officers Chief Staff Army and Deputy Chief Staff Army. This four-star generals corps led by another four-star general, President Joint Chiefs Staff, who serves as chief military adviser to president, secretary defense and National Security Council. Each Head Service appoints operations deputy who works with Director Joint Staff to form subsidiary body known as Operations Deputies or OPSDEPS. The Joint Chiefs acted as executive agents in their relations with theater and area commanders but original National Security Act 1947 considered Joint Chiefs Staff as planners and advisers, not commanders combatant commands.